On the day of 18 August
Of Utica in Africa, of the sainted martyrs of the White Mass, believers more numerous than the fish hauled up in the net by the apostles, who went to death with their bishop courageously confessing together that Christ is the Son of God.

**Saint/Feast of the day segment copied from the USCCB page.

Wow. Someone with a little more knowledge needs to tell me. Did God really take Ezekiel's wife? Seems like a harsh lesson. Why do it to him? Do you think that this was a test of Ezekiel's loyalty to God, as well as an example for the rest of the Israelites? I get the symbolism that whatever happens to Ezekiel in his personal life is gonna happen to everybody in their shared, or political life, but what a terrible path for him to agree to let God lead him down.

The commandments that Jesus lays out in this passage are hard to keep. Why is the toughest one getting rid of our stuff? It is, though. I totally feel for the guy in this passage. He's been trying sooooo hard to be a good guy, to love God, to be good to his neighbors. He probably even gives to the poor pretty often. Jesus calls us to more, though. He calls us to perfection. He calls us to be saints.

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